Duality & Dilemma
SideChick PJ listening to Unravel Me by Sabrina Claudio |
I may allow myself one or two when the sugar mood strikes me.
I have to keep in mind that all those calories that I just worked off can easily creep up and hug me around my waistline.
Don't judge me. I'm pretty sure we've all been faced with Duality & Dilemma, right? Directly after doing something great, we slide back into our old habit(s). It's regretfully human. The challenge is to do more of what's great and less of what's bad for us.
Okay, let's get off my cookie addiction and unravel duality and dilemmas on that level where there's more grey area than clear right or wrong choices. What happens when what's right for an individual still shines wrong...somehow? My question, exactly!
You know, maybe that's what happening with fashion model gorgeous PJ in SideChicks. She's been a staunch money maker at Illustrious.com for the last two years. PJ has been wisely tucking her coins away to retire early to afford her chance of a lifetime when one last gig upsets her world. Read SideChicks for the whole truth.
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