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Gimme That Shimmer!

Albeit ficticious, the world of SideChicks by Valorie M. Taylor has stirred the controversial Pot! In the midst of the #metoo campaign along with Weinstein’s grabby cohorts littering the news, potential readers have been side-tracked by our title. Unfortunately our society wants to judge a book by its cover ultimately missing any goodness we might find as we prefer to think we know a story before reading it. I’m sure most would agree after electing our country’s current Chief proves our inability to judge correctly! The other day after viewing a promotional video for Illustrious Oil, a Facebookie wrote that she would love to buy The Gift Set but she couldn’t get passed the name. I was kind to her explaining that she needn’t feel bad. Both the book and the Illustrious Oil Gift Set are phenomenal and that while we had no plans whatsoever to change the name, missing out wouldn’t do her any good. Well, I guess she thought about it and watched the video again because she and three ot...

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